Affinity Pediatrics is proud to be a Veteran Affairs Community Care Network Service provider.

beautiful african female pediatric nurse in modern office

Are we licensed?

Affinity Pediatrics LLC is licensed under the Department of Community Health to provide in home nursing care and unskilled support services by licensed professionals.

Can we trust our nurses?

All of our nurses are vetted through thorough background checks, license verification, educational and previous employment verification.

How do we choose your nurse?

Our nurses will be chosen based on medical expertise matching along with personality matching. Our goal is to ensure that every nurse that is placed in a home is a good fit for our families.

How do we handle scheduling issues?

Our staffing team will work with families to create a schedule that can be maintained long term. Based on the number of hours awarded, we will allocate two to three primary nurses and a minimum of two back up nurses to cover emergencies and holidays.

How long does the GAPP Waiver approval process take from start to finish?

Medicaid has 30 days to provide an approval or denial once all required documents have been received.

smiling young patient
nurse and elder woman smiling